
Friday, November 11, 2011

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat has become a hugely important time in my week. Taking that break from stress and worry every week is the only thing keeping my hair from going prematurely grey.

I've always been a worrier but in the past few years my anxiety has genuinely become a big problem. I'm not having panic attacks these days but I am no stranger to stress. And instead of becoming an alcoholic i've been trying to throw myself more into Judaism and Jewish study. I've been with this community over 2 years now and what I'm finding is that on Friday nights the songs begin. My head fills with Shabbat tunes like Mizmor Shir or L'cha Dodi and I take a deep breath and just... let go. Nothing else matters but being myself, loving life, treasuring Dave and feeling shechinah.
